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CSMconfig V9.10.0

© 2024 CSM GmbH

!! Please observe the system requirements and the release notes !!











Version 9.10.0. 6

Version 9.9.0. 7

Version 9.8.0. 8

Version 9.7.0. 8

Version 9.6.0. 9

Version 9.5.0. 11

Version 9.4.1. 12

Version 9.4.0. 12

Version 9.3.0. 13

Version 9.2.0. 14

Version 9.1.0. 15

Version 9.0.1. 15

Version 9.0.0. 15

Version 8.15.0. 15

Version 8.14.1. 16

Version 8.14.0. 16

Version 8.13.0. 17

Version 8.12.2. 19

Version 8.12.0. 19

Version 8.11.1. 20

Version 8.11.0. 20

Version 8.10.1. 21

Version 8.10.0. 21

Version 8.9.1. 22

Version 8.9.0. 22

Version 8.8.1. 23

Version 8.8.0. 23

Version 8.7.3. 25

Version 8.7.2. 26

Version 8.7.1. 26

Version 8.7.0. 26

Version 8.6.3. 26

Version 8.6.2. 27

Version 8.6.1. 28

Version 8.6.0. 28

Version 8.5.2. 29

Version 8.5.1. 29

Version 8.5.0. 29

Version 8.4.1. 30

Version 8.4.0. 30

Version 8.3.1. 31

Version 8.3.0. 31

Version 8.2.1. 32

Version 8.2.0. 32

Version 8.1.0. 33



CSMconfig is the configuration software for all measurement devices from CSM. CSM's measurement devices are designed to acquire voltage and temperature signals. The measured values are transmitted via CAN (free running) or Ethernet (EtherCAT®).





The current version of the configuration software CSMconfig supports the following devices:

CSM CAN measurement modules


CSM CAN high-voltage measurement modules


CSM CAN ComboModule

CSM EtherCAT® Modules


CSM EtherCAT® high-voltage measurement modules


CSM XCP high-voltage measurement modules

HV AD4 XW4000

CSM CAN & EtherCAT® High-Voltage Breakout Modules (HV BM)

HV BM 1.1, HV BM 1.2, HV BM 1.2+S, HV BM 1.2+U, HV BM 3.1

CSM CAN & EtherCAT® High-Voltage Split Acquisition Modules (HV SAM)

HV SAM 1.1

CSM XCP High-Voltage Breakout Modules (HV BM)

HV BM 3.1 OBC, HV BM 3.3

CSM protocol converter


CSMpressure pressure sensors

ECM exhaust measurement modules

LambdaCANc, NOxCAN

Klaric measurement modules

KlariONE, KlariONE Plus

CAN interfaces

CSMconfig supports several CAN interfaces. An overview on the CAN interfaces supported in CSMconfig can be found in the online help, section Supported CAN Interfaces / Vendor APIs.

Drivers and tools for CAN adapters are not included with CSMconfig.



Operating Systems:

Windows 10 and Windows 11, 64-bit platforms

The operating system must be up-to-date. All available updates from Microsoft Update should be installed.


approx. 500 MB of free memory



Parts of the documentation are provided as PDF documents. A PDF viewer is required
(e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader) to read these documents.



Fixing a runtime error

It may happen that an error message is displayed during installation:

Runtime Error (at -1:0): Cannot import …\RelRegx86.dll
api-ms-win-crt-runtimel1-1-0.dll missing

This indicates that components of the operating system required for CSMconfig are missing. This means, the update KB2999226 has to be installed (

Registration of file extensions

During installation, CSMconfig can change the computer-specific default links for the file extensions DBC and A2L. However, the setup cannot access any user-defined assignments. These remain unchanged and need to be adjusted manually in the Control Panel.
(Default Programs => Associate a file type or protocol with a program).



CSM GmbH regularly provides updates and additional product information. Please visit our website at Program updates, documents and further files are available for download in the ‘Downloads’ area.

Further product-specific information on CSM measurement technology can be found in the ‘Products’ area.



CSM Computer-Systeme-Messtechnik GmbH

Raiffeisenstr. 36

70794 Filderstadt, Germany

Phone:+49 711 - 77 96 40



If a problem cannot be resolved by referring to the information provided, please send a detailed description along with details on your system configuration to CSM. The contact information of CSM's technical support can be found on the website in the 'Support' area.



'Microsoft' and 'Windows' are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. All other trademarks mentioned are properties of their respective owners. EtherCAT® is a registered trademark and patented technology, licensed by Beckhoff Automation GmbH, Germany.



Version 9.10.0

New Features

·         When creating a new configuration document, a further dialog is displayed asking which interface is to be used.

·         The values of a remote adjustment via CAN message (module-internal bridge balancing) can be saved in STG CAN series measurement modules.


·         CSMconfig now supports additional CSMpressure sensors. See CSMconfig online help, “Integrating CSMpressure in a measurement chain” for further information.

·         The list of CAN interfaces supported in CSMconfig has been revised.

Bug Fixes

·         If the DBC file and bus configuration do not match during the import of a measurement scheme, the dialog for the bus synchronization (Synchronize imported measurement scheme with bus configuration) will be displayed here.

·         Switching the interface (XCP-Gateway -> CAN/CAN -> XCP-Gateway) on an HV BM 3.3 or HV BM 3.1 OBC now works without any errors.

·         The device configuration dialog can be resized without errors.

·         Closing CSMconfig via the system menu works without errors even if more than one document is open.

·         HV Breakout Modules with older firmware versions can be restored to the factory settings.

·         The process for importing A2L files has been improved.

·         The temperature channels of HV Breakout Modules are displayed correctly when the number of channels is changed.

·         The signals from a DBC file can be read in with an OUTMM without any errors.

·         Invalid module configurations in a DBC or A2L file will be corrected during the read-in process.

·         The channel selection for an HV BM 3.3 via Device list (Channels column) works correctly.

·         If an empty configuration document (A2L file) is loaded and then the interface (XCP-Gateway) is changed, the properties of the “new” XCP-Gateway will be read in automatically.

·         The size of the dialog ECM Modules Configuration has been adjusted.

·         The latest version of Vector Sockets has been integrated.

·         When creating A2L files via File | New, these files will be numbered consecutively within a session according to the pattern [Filename]1.a2l, [Filename]2.a2l, etc.

·         The options for the port settings in the XCP-Gateway Configuration dialog (Parameters for connection) have been changed.

Version 9.9.0

New Features

·         The small measurement ranges that are available for ECAT AD HS measurement modules in hardware revision C are now also available for all further hardware revisions.

·         If the configuration of the HV Breakout Modules is different on the CAN and XCP/ECAT sides, one of the following values will be displayed for the inactive side, depending on the bus system:

o   "CAN not active"

o   "ECAT not active"

o   "XCP not active" 

·         The following counter functions (CNT measurement modules) are now also available in measurement schemes:

o   Periode => Period

o   Pulse => Pulse

o   Duty Cycle/PWM => Duty Cyle

o   Events (Saturation) => Event_SAT

o   Events (Overflow) => Event_ROV

o   Events (Continuous) => Event_CNT

o   Delay (x->y) => Delay

o   Delay (y->x) => DelayInv

o   Counter continuous 1,2 => UpDownAbs

o   Counter auto reset 1,2 => Up Down Rel

Further information on these functions and the available options is provided on page “CNT measurement modules - Measurement functions”. 

·         The temperature channels of HV Breakout Modules can be displayed in the Tree view and the Channel list.

o   XCP: To be able to display the temperature channels, the “ECAT Info” option on the XCP-Gateway has to be activated.

o   CAN: As the Shunt temperatures option is activated by default in the Device configuration dialog, the temperature channels are displayed automatically. By activating the Info message option, the channels for the maximum shunt temperature and the device temperature are also displayed.

·         The dependencies on Visual C++ Redistributable Packages (Visual Studio 2013) have been removed from the software.

·         As of CSMconfig 9.9.0, measurement modules of the xx-Scan series (AD-Scan, TH-Scan and Dual-Scan) are no longer supported.


·         The Auto-Scale option in the File menu and the wizard dialog for selecting the adjustment method have been renamed into Adjustment Options.

·         Reading the TEDS data of an STG measurement module by using the “Read from TEDS” command (Channel configuration dialog), now automatically opens the Read TEDS dialog. 

·         If an invalid CAN ID has been entered, a message will be displayed stating that the setting has been adjusted to a valid CAN ID.


Bug Fixes

·         When Vector Sockets is called up, the correct IP address will be forwarded again.

·         If the reading process of TEDS data (AD measurement modules) is aborted by using the “Cancel” button (Read TEDS dialog), the original data of the measurement channel will be immediately displayed in the Tree view and in the Channel list

·         The CAN message for the remote adjustment will be maintained in the software after bridge balancing has been performed.

·         To avoid errors when generating DBC files via the CAN port of an XCP-Gateway (HV Breakout Modules), the procedure for creating new DBC files has been modified.

·         As of now, only shunts in the sizes 500 A and 800 A will be available for the module types HV BM 3.3/3.3C and HV SAM 3.3. For this reason, the shunt handling for these module types has been modified accordingly in CSMconfig. For new measurement modules, only shunts in sizes 500 A and 800 A will be available. Previous versions of the above-mentioned module types can still be operated with the currently installed (larger/smaller) shunts.  

Version 9.8.0

New Features

·         An update has been made in order to be able to read serial numbers >65535.

·         Two setting options have been added to the PTP tab of the XCP-Gateway Configuration dialog.

o    Transport Layer: Three options are available for synchronizing the gateway with a PTP master. Depending on the setting, the communication level between the XCP-Gateway and the PTP master will be established.

§  Auto (default)

§  Ethernet (Layer 2)

§  IPv4 (Layer 3)

o    Time Source:

§  Auto (default): The time specifications of the PTP master are accepted and passed on.

§  TAI/UTC: The time specifications of the PTP master are interpreted as "TAI/UTC" time standard.

·         The NOxCAN and NH3CAN exhaust measurement modules are now also available when importing and exporting measurement schemes. When importing/exporting NOxCAN and NH3CAN channel lists, these lists have to match the standard layout, i.e. the standard assignment of measurement function to channel must not be changed.


·         ASAP2 has been updated to version 1.71.

Version 9.7.0

New Features

·         CSMconfig 9.7.0 supports NH3CAN exhaust measurement modules.

·         The measurement ranges for some TH and HV TH measurement modules have been extended as follows:

o    Type K (NiCr-Ni): -270 °C to +1,372 °C

o    Type J (Fe-CuNi): -210 °C to +1,200 °C

o    Type T (Cu-CuNi): -270 °C to +400 °C

These extensions of the measurement ranges apply to the following modules/types of modules:

o    HV TH CAN MM Series HW-Rev. A, B and C/as of FW-Rev. x.20

o    HV TH CAN TBM Series HW-Rev. A and B/as of FW-Rev. x.20

o    TH/THMM 8 pro, TH/THMM 16 pro and TH8 evo: HW-Rev. G/as of  FW-Rev. 7.31 and HW-Rev. H/as of FW-Rev. 8.30


·         Any effects of configuration changes in HV Breakout Modules on the CAN or ECAT/XCP side that may affect the other side are now indicated to the user by corresponding messages.

·         Error messages that are displayed when performing Check Document now also appear in the window Messages of Configuration Check (Show Messages function).

·         The Scan bus command checks the bus for available measurement modules and compares the result with the information stored in the configuration document. In the Synchronize document with bus configuration dialog, the user can specify whether the result of Scan bus is to be used for the configuration document or whether the measurement modules detected are to be configured according to the specifications in the configuration document.

·         When trying to insert a second XCP measurement module into a configuration, a message will now be displayed stating that no further XCP measurement module can be inserted. Until now, the Select device type dialog was displayed without any content.

·         The procedure for resetting the adjustment values has been revised.

·         The import of A2L files from CANape has been improved with regard to the handling of new keywords.

·         The settings in the Filter column (Channel list) are now also displayed for PT and HV TH measurement modules.

Bug Fixes

·         For CSM CAN measurement modules, the highest available filter frequency has been adjusted from 5 kHz to 2 kHz.

·         HV STG ECAT measurement modules can now also be read in via the command line when importing a measuring scheme.

·         The zero adjustment will now also be carried out correctly with earlier ADMM 8 measurement modules.

·         When reading the data of a measurement module without channel comments into a DBC file, any channel comments in the DBC file will now be deleted.

·         If the maximum shunt temperature is exceeded, both the ECAT and the CAN side of an HV Breakout Module will now send the same warning ("THERMAL_OVERLOAD").

·         The size of the text field for the Shunt Temperatures checkbox has been adjusted.

·         DBC files that describe modules with CAN ID per channel will be read into CANape without errors.

·         Reading in configurations via the CAN port of a Vector interface (e.g. VX1132) now works without any errors.

Version 9.6.0

New Features

·         The maximum number of ODT entries in the A2L file has been adjusted for both ECAT and CAN DAQ lists.

·         The internal reset of HV Breakout Modules is now supported by the firmware and in CSMconfig.

·         When importing a foreign CAN database, its attributes will be retained. The handling of the attributes has been improved.

·         The dialog for device configuration of HV Breakout Modules now provides the option Shunt temperatures (by default enabled) on the XCP/ECAT side. By disabling this option, the transmission of the shunt temperature values will be stopped.

·         Up to 100 CAN interfaces can now be listed in the Interface selection menu in CSMconfig.

·         DBC files generated in HV DTempconfig can be imported as foreign DBC files.


·         The timeout values for the XCP protocol have been adjusted.

·         The interface selection in CANape now displays the actual device name.

·         Information about the interface most recently used in a session is stored in the configuration document (A2L/DBC file).

·         Options for filter selection have been adapted for the AD MX2.

·         The default measurement range of HV AD measurement modules has been set to 1000 V.

·         The following TH measurement modules now provide an extended temperature range from -270 °C to +1372 °C:

o    TH16 as of hardware revision D

o    TH8 as of hardware revision G

Bug Fixes

·         An error in the character encoding caused the "°C" specification to be displayed incorrectly in LambdaCANc. This error has been fixed.

·         Errors that occurred when importing foreign CAN databases (e.g. deleting attributes) have been corrected.

·         A2L files created with CSMconfig 9.60 can now be handled in INCA.

·         The temperature values (16 bit resolution) of TH and PT measuring modules are now displayed with three digits after the decimal point.

·         Configurations can now also be transferred to newly connected measurement modules using the Write to device command.

·         Zero Base and Zero Offset are now also available in the channel configuration dialog of HV Breakout-, AD-, STG- and CNT modules.

·         If a firmware update is available for measurement modules HV BM 3.3 and HV BM 3.1 OBC, a message indicates that this update can only be performed via the XCP side of the measurement module.

·         Problems that could occur when opening configuration documents via drag-and-drop have been fixed.

·         The module type HV BM 3.1 can now also be read in via CAN without errors.

·         Display/filtering problems in the Channel list and Device list views have been fixed.

·         An auto-configuration is performed even if a LambdaCANc without sensor is included in the measurement setup. After completion of the auto-configuration, a notification window will indicate that the LambdaCANc could not be reconfigured due to the missing sensor.

·         The Check document command can now also be used to determine whether individual phases are disabled on the XCP or CAN side of an HV BM 3.1 OBC.

·         When CSMconfig is opened via CANape or vMeasure, only channels can be deactivated. Deactivating complete measurement modules is no longer possible.

·         If an XCP-Gateway/XCP module is not synchronous with the PTP master despite the activation of the "PTP Sync" option, a corresponding message will be displayed in CSMconfig.

·         The faulty display in the Channel list after having selected a channel in the Tree view has been corrected.

·         Errors in the display of CAN channels in CANape have been corrected.

·         After a sensor import from the sensor DB, the display area in the Conversion tab (channel configuration dialog) is correctly displayed again.

·         For ECAT AD-HS measurement modules the filter options have been adapted as follows:

o    up to max. 1 MS/s: Butterworth filters are available for selection.

o    at 1 MS/s: The option "Filter OFF" is also available.

o    at 2 MS/s and 4 MS/s: Only "Filter OFF" is made available.

·         For module types HV BM 3.1 OBC and HV BM 3.3, the measurement ranges for voltage measurement have been changed in the channel configuration dialog as follows:

o    HV BM 3.3: The measurement range ±100 V is omitted.

o    HV BM 3.1 OBC: The measurement range ±50 V is omitted.

·         The automatic conversion from °C to °F when loading a DBC file now works without errors again.

·         The detection of activated/deactivated phases has been enhanced.

Version 9.5.0

New Features

·         CSMconfig now supports the HV Breakout Modules HV SAM 1.1, HV SAM 3.3 and HV BM 3.1 OBC.

·         Configuration documents (DBC/A2L files) are by default docked to the program interface as a tabs.

·         A software filter for the RMS and power channels is available for the module types HV BM 3.1 OBC, HV BM 3.3 and HV SAM 3.3.

·         As of hardware revision B000, HV AD2 evo IF 20 modules provide the setting option "5 V" for sensor supply.

·         If a non-specific measurement module type is selected during a measurement scheme import (e.g. ADMM or THMM), CSMconfig now provides the feature to change the measurement module type in the Import Measurement Scheme dialog. The module types available for changing are listed in the selection menu of the Type column.

·         A CNT module can be set to the data format INTEL-32 or MOTOROLA-32 in the Device Configuration dialog if it is operated over the CAN interface of an XCP-Gateway.

·         If a phase (e.g. U1) is disabled, the associated current (I1) and power channels (U1RMS, I1RMS) will also be disabled.

·         If no calibration date is stored in an HV Breakout Module, the CSMconfig report now displays the note "Information not available".


·         If the measurement channels "U" and "I" are swapped on the ECAT side of an HV Breakout Module, the factory settings are no longer written to the HV Breakout Module.

·         Multi-byte characters in comment texts are now correctly supported again. This enables among other things the error-free display of channel comments in various Asian languages.

·         The scope of available measurement ranges for voltage measurement has been reduced.

·         If XCP measurement modules and XCP gateways lack the required license to connect additional ECAT modules, a message will be displayed.

·         The double assignment of an IP address for XCP modules is prevented.

·         If new(er) CSM measurement modules connected to an XCP-Gateway with hardware revision Bxxx cannot be configured correctly due to insufficient firmware support of the gateway, a corresponding message will be displayed in CSMconfig.

·         Input voltage ranges are adjusted for STG modules even in an offline configuration.

·         If a sensor type stored in the sensor database cannot be used due to lack of sensor supply, a corresponding message will be displayed.

·         Jumbo frames are now supported.

·         The Select device type dialog for CAN measurement modules has been revised.

·         If HV BM or HV SAM modules are connected to the CAN bus, the temperature messages (BM Temperatures) are by default enabled.

Bug Fixes

·         Measurement module HV BM pro 1.2 is no longer available.

·         Sensor databases in CSV format can be read in again.

·         In the Device configuration dialog, the unit for measuring the instantaneous power is now consistently displayed with a small "p".

·         If an HV BM causes an error value, a corresponding message will now be displayed again in the Current value column (e.g. "THERMAL_OVERLOAD").

·         The length of the sensor names in CSMconfig is now limited to 32 characters.

·         If CSMconfig is operated in conjunction with Vector software, the Interface dialog is no longer available.

·         When operating CSMconfig in conjunction with Vector software, only individual measurement channels can be disabled, but not entire measurement modules.

Version 9.4.1

New Features

  • CSMconfig now supports "Winsock over VectorSockets" and thus also the Vector interface VN5601.
  • A check whether updates are available now also takes place when CSMconfig is started from CANape.

Version 9.4.0

New Features

  • As of HW-Rev. Axxx/FW-Vers. 1.07, HV Breakout Module 3.3/3.3C supports the module-internal zero adjustment via scaling wizard.
  • CSMconfig now supports the XCP measurement module HV AD4 XW4000.
  • CSMconfig now supports measurement module HV BM pro 1.x.
  • The optional measurement of power and RMS values is now supported by all HV BM 1. x/HV BM pro 1.x measurement modules. A license is required to enable these channels. In addition, firmware and hardware have to support this feature.
  • In a report, the calibration date of a measurement module is now also indicated in the Overview section. If the measurement module is not calibrated or the calibration is no longer valid, the note "not calibrated" is displayed instead.
  • Double-clicking on the CSMconfig program icon while holding down the Shift key opens CSMconfig with the second GUI language option. This means that if the option German has been set under Options | Language, the program is called up with the English user interface. If the option English has been set, CSMconfig will be started with the German user interface.
  • The command Resize grid columns in the View menu automatically adjusts the column widths in the Channel or Device list to the column contents.
  • The Signal Database dialog can now handle databases with Japanese channel comments.
  • If the option Per channel configuration is set in the Device configuration dialog, the columns Rate and ID are automatically displayed in the Channel list.
  • The Licensing tab in the XCP-Gateway Configuration dialog has been updated. If the option CSMmeasure is enabled, measurement data is transmitted to the PAK software via CSM PAK AddOn.


  • The Operating mode entry of the Device configuration dialog now specifies an
    HV BM 3.3 measurement module as an XCP module.
  • In CANape, the XCP measurement module HV BM 3.3 is now listed in section XCPoE.
  • In the Device list, the BM temperatures can now be selected from the drop-down menu of the Info Msg column by using the options Temp and Info + Temp.
  • The additional temperature values of HV Breakout Modules can now be imported from and exported to a measurement scheme.

Bug Fixes

  • OUTMM4 modules are detected and can be configured.
  • The factory settings for the send rates of ECAT and XCP measurement modules have been adjusted.

Version 9.3.0

New Features

  • The measurement module HV BM 1.2+U is now supported in CSMconfig.
  • As of FW Rev. 1.03, configurations with HV BM 3.3 are no longer downward compatible, i.e. it is then no longer possible to use a configuration containing HV BM 3.3 with FW Rev. 1.03 in an older version of CSMconfig.
  • ECM LambdaCANc modules can be imported and exported via measurement schemes if the following requirements are met:
    • Operating mode: CSM mode
    • Message Mode: 16- and 32-bit measurement values
    • A channel list specified as follows: LAM, O2, AFR, FAR, LAM.16, AFR.16, FAR.16 and O2.16
  • The new command Delete all modules is used to remove all measurement modules from a configuration. Both Delete all Modules and the command Resolve Conflicts are now also available in the toolbar.
  • HV BM 3.3 type Breakout Modules provide the means to transmit the additional channels for RMS and power measurements via XCP. Firmware V1.03 is required
    for this feature.
  • The bridge balancing for STG measurement modules in the Auto-Scale wizard now provides a further function. In HW Adjustment mode, the zero point of the ADC is shifted in such a way that the measurement range is not restricted and the resolution remains unchanged. This requires a STG pro measurement module using the latest firmware version (FW-Vers. 3.01).
  • The Interface dialog now includes the Reload Interfaces button. With this function, further interfaces can be connected during operation without having to close CSMconfig.
  • When HV Breakout Modules are operated in CAN mode, the Device Configuration dialog features the option BM Temperatures, i.e. a second info message that provides the means to transmit additional temperature values.
  • The Duty Cycle/PWM measurement function of CNT pro measurement modules now provides the following four setting options in the Counter Options tab:
    • Active high at start of period
    • Active high at end of period
    • Active low at start of period
    • Active low at end of period


  • CSMconfig adopts a value that has been entered manually into the channel list 1:1. No rounding or adjustment will be made.
  • Kvaser VCI3 CAN interfaces are supported in CSMconfig.
  • If multiple cells are marked in the column of a channel list in order to change values (bulk editing), then the change made in the primary cell is only adopted by the cells in which this change is plausible. Example: If the measurement range of the first cell is to be changed from ±200 V to ±50 V, then this change will only be adopted in cells with the measured variable V. Cells with the measured variable I will be ignored.
  • The integration times for RMS value and power are no longer indicated as separate measurement channels in CSMconfig.

Bug Fixes

  • Changing the bit rate of multiple HV Breakout Modules can now be performed again.
  • The GPS Time signal is only available for the first sub-gateway.
  • When using half and quarter bridges with STG pro measurement modules,
    the input voltage range is now correctly displayed and internally adjusted.

Version 9.2.0

New Features

·         ECAT STG6 pro BS 20 measurement modules are now supported in CSMconfig.

·         For HV BM 1.2 and HV BM 3.3 measurement modules, additional CAN channels are optionally available allowing the measurement of further power and RMS values. A license is required to enable these channels. Furthermore, firmware and hardware must support this functionality.

o   HV BM 1.2: HW-Vers. Exxx/FW-Vers. 5.12

o   HV BM 3.3: HW-Vers. Axxx/FW-Vers. 1.02

·         During import, it is checked whether the measurement scheme matches the bus configuration. If the measurement scheme differs from the bus configuration, CSMconfig provides a set of options to match bus configuration and measurement scheme.  


·         Firmware updates are available for the following modules:

o   XCP-Gateway Rev Bxxx: FW-Vers. 2.38

o   XCP-Gateway Rev Cxxx: FW-Vers. 3.31

·         IP configuration in CSMconfig has been improved.

Bug Fixes

·         When deactivating individual channels, other channels not intended for this task were also deactivated. This error has been fixed.

·         Activating the Info message option caused the send rate to be reset to the default value. This error has been fixed.

Version 9.1.0

Bug Fixes

·         The currently measured value is now correctly displayed in the Channel configuration dialog.

·         The error message that may be displayed when adjusting the temperature coefficient has been supplemented by the information that "R0" may only deviate from the nominal value by up to ±10 %.

·         For AD modules, filter restrictions can now be exported into a creg file.

·         When importing a measurement scheme (THMM), the Rate column in the Channel list view will now show the correct default setting, even for channels without description.

·         When importing a measurement scheme (ADMM), the Rate column in the Channel list view will now show the correct default setting, even for channels without description.

·         After the import of a measurement scheme, the measurement range of a CSMpressure sensor will be correctly displayed.


Version 9.0.1

Bug Fixes

·         Errors could occur when loading a measurement module if a module configuration containing channel comments was created with a 32-bit version of CSMconfig. This error has been fixed.

·         The CSMcan interface now works without errors in CSMview.

Version 9.0.0

New Features

·         As of version 9.0.0, CSMconfig is only available as 64-bit version.

·         HV-STG4 BS20 measurement modules are supported.


·         Firmware updates are available for the following measurement modules:

o   HV STG (V1.02)

o   ECAT ADMM4 HS (V3.02)

Version 8.15.0

New Features

·         New shortcuts for inserting and deleting measurement modules:

o   Insert Module (Alt + INS)

o   Delete Module (Alt + DEL)

·         Modification of the sensor database: In addition to STGMM devices, potentiometric transducers (e.g. displacement sensors) can also be used with ADMM.

·         As far as Intrepid interfaces are concerned, CSMconfig only supports the ValueCAN 4-2 interface.

·         CSMview now supports the BOA interfaces listed below:

o   ES582.1

o   ES581.4

o   ES523.1

o   ES593.1


·         The visualization of detailed information in Reports has been improved.

Bug Fixes

·         The firmware update for OUT modules is running faultlessly again.

·         If a CAN ID which is out of the permitted range is entered in the Device List, an error message appears. The original CAN ID will remain unchanged.

·         The validation of user input in the Device List and Channel List has been improved.

·         Sensor databases in the new CSV format can now be read in again.

·         The detection of high bus loads has been improved.

·         Synchronization errors between the Tree View and the Channel Configuration Dialog for STG modules have been fixed.

·         Status changes in the Active column of the Channel List no longer invalidate the display of measured values.

·         The Force Filter option for the zero adjustment functions is now by default enabled.

·         Shunt type detection errors for HV BM modules have been fixed.

Version 8.14.1

Bug Fixes:

·         When reading in older measurement modules it could happen that some modules were not detected or module configurations were interpreted as invalid. This error has been corrected.

·         When executing the function CHECK via the command line API, modules connected at the XCPG CAN-busses could remain inactive (idle).

Version 8.14.0

New Features

·         The consistency check allows the settings of a configuration, which has been created offline, to be checked against the connected hardware.

·         HV BM 1.2 +S measurement modules are supported.

·         The option Prohibit storing to: TEDS in the Bridge Balancing dialog of the Auto-Scale wizard can be used to prevent a changed bridge adjustment value from being written into the TEDS memory.


·         The Prepare CSMpressure dialog provides the option to specify the first node ID.

·         The report for an XCP-Gateway (all versions) contains the line Licensed Properties showing details on the licensed features of the gateway.

·         On bus level, the context menu now contains the command Edit Description. This command provides the means to enter longer comments (max. 30000 characters at max. 512 characters per line).

·         Improved GUI handling. Specific settings of a measurement module in an offline configuration are checked after the serial number has been entered.

·         The XML format of CSMconfig has been extended in order to improve the support for scaling variants in CSM INCA AddOn.

·         When Check Document is performed, the TEDS memories of inactive measurement channels are ignored.

·         The context menu in CSMconfig can also be called up by pressing the Menu key on the keyboard.

·         Performance has been improved for various functions with hardware access (e.g. Scan Bus).

Bug Fixes

·         The checking of scalings adopted from TEDS memories has been improved.

·         Improved response times of CSMconfig when configuring CSMpressure sensors and CANopen devices.

·         The temperature value transmission for shunt and measurement module during plain current measurements (1: "I") is functioning properly again.

·         The Reload Database function for reloading sensor and signal databases now also works correctly after a filter has been applied.

·         The values for User min./User max. of CNT measurement modules are correctly adjusted after the data format has been changed (16/32 bit).

·         The switching from four to eight channels with connected TTL Freq modules is working without errors again.

·         For HV STG measurement modules, the option 1/4 CSM has been removed from the selection menu.

Version 8.13.0

New Features

·         The latest protocol converter XCP-Gateway 4S pro, equipped with four ECAT inputs and GPS functionality, is fully supported.

·         New features for CNT4 evo measurement modules:

o   The last counter reading of a selected channel can be stored when the module is switched off. The corresponding option can be enabled in the Channel configuration dialog and the Channel list.

o   The module now allows the use of sensor characteristic tables, for example for multi-point calibrations. These tables are specified in the Tables tab of the Device configuration dialog.

o   The Revolution function supports additional measurement ranges up to 600,000 rpm and the 32-bit data format.

o   The Counter continuous function supports a new measurement range that also allows negative signs. The Zero Adjustment function has been additionally implemented.

·         TEDS memories can be overwritten via File | Reconfigure all/TEDS without applying their contents to the configuration document beforehand. The memory content is only checked during readout in CSMconfig, but is not used for configuration purposes. To this end, the Read TEDS dialog has been adapted accordingly.

·         In measurement schemes, the column Device name is now available. As a result, device names can be assigned manually regardless of the serial number of the module.

·         If devices or channels are disabled, they can be faded out in the configuration document via View | Only active channels or the corresponding icon in the toolbar. The icon changes its appearance depending on the status of the filter.

·         If the determination of adjustment values is based on highly noisy raw data, an adjustment may be made to an instantaneous value that does not correspond to the actual offset value. It is thus possible to enable a temporary forced filter in the Auto-Scale wizard.


·         The Reload database command in the filter dialog allows the sensor and signal database to be updated while CSMconfig is running.

·         The Toggle On/Offline icon in the toolbar changes its appearance depending on the status of the bus connection.

·         For a better overview, the documentation in the Help menu is now available in subdirectories, separated according to document type.

·         The function to only measure current with HV Breakout Modules on the ECAT side is now activated directly in the Channels selection menu of the Device configuration dialog.


Version 8.12.2


·         A new wizard simplifies the configuration of multiple CSMpressure sensors in a measurement chain. Details can be found in the online help under the topic "Integrating CSMpressure".

Bug Fixes

·         Under certain circumstances, measurement ranges taken from the sensor database were not correctly converted into a physical range for STG modules. This has been corrected.

Version 8.12.0

New Features

·         HV STG4 ECAT measurement modules are supported.

·         TH evo measurement modules are supported. In combination with specially developed thermocouple plugs with integrated TEDS chips, these modules provide TEDS functionality (Template 36 and channel names).

·         The configuration views Tree View, Device List and Channel List are now combined in a higher-level window to form configuration layouts  (=> Window | Select view layout). See CSMconfig help for details.

·         Certain AD4 pro CAN measurement modules support module-internal functions for zero adjustment and scaling. See CSMconfig help for details.

·         All modules of the AD4 ECAT MM series (as of HW rev. B) now support certain module-internal functions for zero adjustment and scaling.  See CSMconfig help for details.

·         When saving settings to the module, CSMconfig asks whether internal adjustment values should be retained or reset.

·         Several other CAN modules support the simultaneous use of the functions Per channel configuration and Info message. Perform a firmware update to do so. A complete module list can be found in the online help on page "Set CAN ID and Send Rate per Channel".


·         The XCP-Gateway Configuration dialog has been improved:

o   PTP support is now enabled directly in the PTP tab.

o   The XCP tab has been removed. The corresponding settings can be made directly in the Program Settings dialog.

·         Shunt and device temperatures are also available as EtherCAT measurement values for the HV Breakout Modules (HV BM). An XCP-Gateway pro is required to be able to use this function.

·         If communication between an HV BM and the shunt module fails, this will no longer affect the rest of the measurement chain. 

·         If the TEDS mode is set to Not using TEDS, all TEDS chips connected will be ignored.

·         If an Auto-Configuration has been performed, CSMconfig displays information on the measurement modules, channels and any connected TEDS chips in a message window.

·         If a user-defined display range is configured in the Channel Configuration Dialog, this is no longer displayed as a deviation from the TEDS content for LEM sensor packages.

·         Sensor names from a sensor database are now also stored in ECAT modules (AD as of HW-Rev. B and STG). Perform a firmware update to do so.

·         The handling of multiple XCP-Gateway modules in Vector CANape has been improved.

Version 8.11.1

Bug Fixes

·         When using module-internal adjustment modes, the configuration could not be written to a module if it at the same time contained channel comments.

·         If channels were switched off in an AD8 measurement module and then the module-internal adjustment values were written to the module, it could occur that certain values in the unused channels were set to zero.

·         When channel comments in the configuration document did not match those stored in the module, they were not correctly listed as deviations in the report.

Version 8.11.0

New Features

·         TEDS functionality is now also available for modules of the AD4 ECAT MM Series.

·         As a supplement to the sensor database, a signal database, containing channel name and comments, can now be specified. These standard names can be assigned to the corresponding channels.

·         The sensor database is now also available in CNT evo measurement modules. The functionality corresponds to the measurement scheme and includes the measured variables frequency and revolution.

·         The entries in the sensor database and the new signal database are now selected in a separate dialog providing a filtering function (e.g. sensor and channel name).

·         CSMconfig can now monitor the calibration date of the connected devices. The calibration date monitoring can be specified in the “Program Settings” dialog.

·         During bus scan CSMconfig now automatically checks whether there are firmware updates available for the modules. This function has to be enabled in the "Program Settings" dialog first.

·         It is now possible to disable channels on ECAT and CAN modules connected to an XCP-Gateway.

·         The sequence of U and I channels can be changed in the HV Breakout Modules. As a result, it is now now possible to measure current only. At the same time, bandwidth can be saved if the voltage measurement is not required.

·         The measurement modules ECM LambdaCANc (in 16-bit mode) and CSMpressure can now be used at the CAN interfaces of an XCP-Gateway +CAN.


·         Sensor and signal database can be accessed from both the Channel List and the Channel Configuration Dialog.

·         If the measurement scheme requires a measurement range that is not available in the AD measurement module used, CSMconfig can automatically set the next larger measurement range and output a corresponding message. This adaption of the settings to device limitations has to be enabled in the "Program settings" dialog.

·         To speed up the interface search for XCP-Gateways, this process can be limited to specific networks. To this aim, a positive list of NIC IPs (NIC IP whitelist) can be added in the “Program Settings” dialog. If a whitelist has been set, a corresponding message will be displayed in the “Interface” dialog.

·         In the DBC file, the measurement data rate has now been assigned its own attributes. A DAQ software can analyze these to monitor the regular reception of the CAN messages (and thus the measurement data) sent by the CSM measurement modules.

·         The designation of the ECAT device types has been adapted to the actual module names and series. This eases the selection of the correct device type for offline configuration. The device names have been modified accordingly.

·         The icons in the toolbar and menus have been completely redesigned for more intuitive operation.

Bug Fixes

·         Pressing the Enter key opens the Channel Configuration Dialog in the Channel List view and the Device Configuration Dialog in the Device List view. The previous action (edit cell contents) can now be executed by pressing Shift + Enter.

·         In the case of ECM NOxCAN modules, the symbol for enabled channels was still displayed for disabled channels. This has now been fixed.

Version 8.10.1

Bug Fixes

·         Bridge balancing of an ECAT STGMM could reset the module to factory settings under certain circumstances. This behavior is now fixed.

Version 8.10.0

New Features

·         Support of the new high-voltage Breakout Module HV BM 3.1.

·         Certain supported ECAT modules allow the number of channels to be specified to reduce bus load and hide unused channels in the DAQ software.

·         Specific AD8 pro measurement modules now provide additional module-internal functions for zero adjustment and scaling. These are very comprehensive features. See CSMconfig help for details.

·         PT evo measurement modules now also allow channel comments to be stored.

·         Measurement modules TH16 pro and CNT evo now support CAN bitrate 2 Mbit/s.

·         A firmware update allows the use of the function "Configuration per channel" for the following new measurement modules:

o   HV PT (all)

o   ADMM 4 pro HS / AD4 pro MC10 (as of revision F)


·         Import and export of measurement schemes:

o   Support of measurement module PT8 evo.

o   Support of measurement module HV IEPE3 FL1000.

o   Support of CNT measurement modules has been extended.

o   Serial numbers of currently connected measurement modules are read in during measurement scheme import. These numbers can then be mapped to the corresponding modules in the measurement scheme. This function must first be enabled in the “Program Settings” dialog.

o   Measurement schemes contain new columns for Info Message and Device Number.

·         When specifying the number of measurement channels for HV Breakout Modules, the corresponding measured quantities are now displayed.

·         With the HV BM 3.1, the info message can also be activated when using the "per channel configuration" function. A CAN ID needs to be specified for the info message in order to make use of that feature.

·         Selected info message signals (e.g. shunt temperature of HV Breakout Modules) can be included in the A2L file if the CAN modules are connected via an XCP-Gateway.

·         As before, the number format for the display of the CAN IDs is by default hexadecimal. The “Program Settings” dialog provides a setting option to change the format to decimal if required. Changing the display mode will apply to the entire user interface and the HTML reports generated.

Version 8.9.1

Bug Fixes

·         The driver library for ETAS BOA interfaces works properly again.

·         The CSMcan interface can be used properly again in vMeasure CSM.

·         The import of a measurement scheme via vMeasure CSM could cause the program to crash. This has been fixed.

Version 8.9.0

New Features

·         The new HV Breakout Modules (HV BM 1.1 and HV BM 1.2) are supported.
See page “Modules: Using HV Breakout Modules” in the online help file for information on the configuration of these modules.

·         Support of HV IEPE3 FL1000 measurement module.

·         Support of CSMpressure pressure sensors.

·         XCP standard V1.4, which has been supported in CSMconfig for some time, can now also be used in CANape 16 (as of SP4). This standard is required to operate multiple ECAT measurement modules using different measurement data rates >10 kHz simultaneously. It is no longer necessary to set the same measurement data rate for all modules.

·         In CSMconfig, various universal cables with integrated TEDS chip (K642 and K833) can be used with STGMM measurement modules for the individual configuration of half and full bridges.

·         The channel comment feature is now supported by all high-voltage measurement modules.

·         Checking for a new program version is available as an entry in the Help menu.

·         Support of the function “Per channel configuration” has been extended to further modules. Suitable firmware updates are now available for the modules listed below and included in CSMconfig:

o   ADMM 8 pro (Rev. E)

o   THMM 16 pro (Rev. D)

o   THMM 8 pro (Rev. G)

o   THMM 8 pro (Rev. H)

A complete list of all supported modules can be found in the online help file on page “Setting of CAN ID and send rate per channel”.

·         Vector ETH interfaces support via Vector DAQ software (e.g. CANape 16 as of SP4) has been extended.


·         If the automatic TEDS mode is used, CSMconfig now detects a TEDS which has been connected to a wrong input. If the serial number of the connected TEDS chip does not match the one stored in the configuration document, the symbol of the corresponding measurement channel is displayed in red. This also causes an error message in the Vector DAQ software and prevents measurements with incorrectly plugged sensors. The TEDS mode can be selected in the “Program Settings” dialog.

·         Columns in list views are now sorted correctly according to the data content. This means, for example, that columns containing numeric values are now sorted strictly numerically.

·         Measurement modules and channels can now be enabled and disabled directly by using the "Active" column in the Device and Channel list. The user can also select multiple modules and channels simultaneously.

·         The module-internal zero adjustment can be called up in the Channel Configuration Dialog via the new button "Zero Adjust.". This button is only available if the function is supported by the connected measurement module. In order to make use of this feature, the option "Allow module internal zero adjustment" has to be enabled beforehand in the “Program Settings” dialog.

·         CSMconfig now provides the means to insert scaling texts into A2L files. This option must be enabled in the "Program settings" dialog if required.

·         Template files are now backward-compatible. Measurement modules that are not yet supported in the CSMconfig version currently used are ignored.

Bug Fixes

·         OUTMM modules can now be properly operated again when using the CAN interfaces of an XCP-Gateway +CAN.

·         When loading a DBC file, it could occur that the two-point scaling of CNT MiniModules was not correctly read out. That error has been fixed.

·         When using the Motorola format and the option “Per channel configuration" at the same time, the start bit of the CAN message is now correctly specified.

·         If the XCP compatibility is set high in the program settings, PTP is no longer automatically activated in the XCP-Gateway.

·         Under particular circumstances, deleting modules from a configuration document could cause the program to crash. This has now been fixed.

Version 8.8.1


·         CSMconfig creates a full data backup before performing a firmware update. This ensures that all information stored in the module (e.g. for CAN modules also the date of the last calibration) is kept reliably.

Version 8.8.0

New Features

·         CSMconfig provides options to define module- and program-specific defaults and to save them in template files.

·         For configuration documents: Default settings can be defined separately according to document type (*.DBC/A2L) for every module type (e.g. name pattern).

·         For program-specific settings: Program settings can be defined according to user-specific requirements and saved in a template file (*.creg).

These default settings can be used as templates for installation on multiple computers (e.g. for a company-wide installation of CSMconfig) and can be transferred to all computers simultaneously.

·         As of firmware version 8.3, the output of specific measured quantities in 16-bit format is supported by ECM LambdaCANc. A mixed operation mode, i.e. the output of 16- and 32-bit values is possible.

·         At each program start, CSMconfig checks whether a new program version is available. This procedure can be configured and switched off.

·         Saving documents in the old DBC file format (i.e. older than CSMconfig V8.5.0) is no longer supported.

·         The option Write Name to TEDS has been added to the Channel Configuration Dialog. To use this option, it first needs to be enabled in the Program Settings dialog (Allow adding channel name to TEDS).

·         CSMview V2.0.0 is an integral part of the installation package and is by default installed along with CSMconfig. This program version also supports ECAT and CAN measurement modules connected via an XCP-Gateway.

·         Vector Ethernet interface VX0312 is supported.


·         The icons for modules and channels have been redesigned for better usability. Especially the status indication for TEDS sensors has been improved.

·         The Temperature Coefficients tab in the Channel Configuration Dialog for PTMM modules has been revised and made clearer.

·         The XCP-Gateway Configuration dialog has been enhanced. It now also displays the NIC mask of the network interface used. By pressing the button Adjust IP to my NIC, the valid IP settings of the NIC configuration can be read out.

·         CAN measurement modules can be operated at a maximum measurement data rate of 1 kHz via an XCP-Gateway +CAN. Higher measurement data rates are no longer provided for configuration. Until now, only an error message was displayed, when saving the configuration.

·         As for STGMM modules, the setting of the filter is now also taken from the TEDS.

·         When trying to open another instance of CSMconfig, the current window will appear in the foreground.

·         In order to speed up the program installation, the setup now automatically detects software packages already installed on the system.

·         A channel list is no longer created all over again when activating previously disabled measurement channels. Only the lines required will be re-written.

Bug Fixes

·         Stored column layouts are migrated to new program versions complete and unchanged.

·         The device list is now also updated when duplicating modules (copy and paste) in Tree View mode.

·         The Tree View of a configuration document will be updated if multiple lines of a channel list have been selected and modified.

·         For some CAN measurement modules, CAN ID and measurement data rate can be specified per channel (option Per channel configuration). This also works correctly now for CAN measurement modules connected via an XCP-Gateway +CAN.

·         In the Device Configuration Dialog, a change in the number of channels used to overwrite a changed measurement data rate if the latter had not been previously saved. This error has now been fixed.

·         CSMconfig verifies the calibration date stored in the TEDS. The program settings provide an option to define, how many days before the calibration expires a warning alert will be displayed. Negative values are no longer permitted.

·         The text input fields only allow characters matching the language settings of the computer.

·         CSMconfig will reliably detect if changes have been made in the XCP-Gateway Configuration dialog and written to the device. The configuration document can be saved again.

·         Some dialogs will close automatically after a pre-defined period of time. As long as such a dialog is visible in the foreground, no changes can be made in other program components currently located in the background.

·         Buttons in tables (e.g. channel lists) are no longer obscured by tooltips.

·         The XCP-compatibility for Vector CANape 15 now corresponds to XCP 1.3.


Version 8.7.3


·         If the busload is exceeded during the configuration of an ECAT measurement chain or an individual ECAT module, a warning message will be displayed. This helps to detect and avoid overload configurations.

·         The busload of an ECAT measurement chain is now displayed in the report of a configuration document. The figure is displayed below the XCP-Gateway entry in percent relative to the permitted maximum.

·         Measurement schemes using the CAN identifier “0” can now be imported.

Bug Fixes

·         A bus load issue concerning the CAN ports of the XCP-Gateway has been fixed.

·         An uncritical syntax error which occurred in newly created A2L files when a sensor database was used has been fixed.

·         The property Device Number is not supported by ECAT STGMM modules. The corresponding field in the Device Configuration Dialog therefore appears greyed out now.

·         When using TEDS sensors on ADMM modules, a deviating configuration is highlighted in color now. This now also works correctly for the property Range in the Channel Configuration Dialog.

·         When using TEDS sensors on ADMM modules, it could occur in exceptional cases that specific measurement ranges were not correctly read out from a TEDS and transferred to the channel settings. The error has been fixed.

·         The standard filter in ECAT modules is now correctly displayed when the measurement data rates 500 kHz and 1 MHz are used.

·         When using a sensor database, specific window sizes of the views (especially Channel list) could cause the program to seem to freeze when opening individual dialogs. The error has been fixed.


Version 8.7.2


·         HV AD4 ECAT MM series supports all specified measurement data rates.

·         Bridge balancing of STGMM works correctly even when using sensor cables with integrated TEDS chip.

·         Measuring unit from the TEDS chip of the quarter bridge extension cable (K356) for STGMM is being read correctly.

·         With ECAT ADMM HS (hardware revision Axxx) scaling values (factor/offset) are correctly written to and read out from the device (internal calibration data are handled correctly).


·         If several parameters in the device dialog of a module are changed simultaneously, malfunctions may occur. In this case the module should be restarted and the settings should be made or written one after the other.

·         Filter settings read from a TEDS connected to STGMM (1/4 CSM) will be applied only if the parameters are compatible with the rate setting of the module. Otherwise, the default filter is used.

·         The detection of changes on connected TEDS sensors works delayed on most modules. This can result in a TEDS change not being properly updated in the GUI. In this case repeat the bus scan at a time interval (>10s) or restart the module.


Version 8.7.1


·         Some new program options from V8.7.0 were not correctly saved.


Version 8.7.0

New Features

·         TEDS functionality for CAN-based ADMM modules. With TEDS-capable ADMM modules, channel configuration data can now be transferred from the TEDS to the channel configuration.

·         XCPG/PTP: It is now possible to set the end-to-end or peer-to-peer delay mechanism. To make use of this function, firmware version 3.10 or later needs to be installed on the XCP-Gateway.

·         Integration of a sensor database for simplified configuration


·         Version check of column definitions for the import/export of measurement schemes


Version 8.6.3

New Features

·         Support of ASAM MCD-1 XCP V1.4 according to specification as of 2017-05-24

·         Integration of new modules

o   AD 8 pro MC2 as of hardware revision H4xx: Further development of ADMM 8 pro featuring TEDS functionality

o   AD 8 pro2 MD2 as of hardware revision G4xx: Further development of ADMM 8 pro2 featuring TEDS functionality

o   HV AD4 XW1000: New development of an ECAT-based HV AD MiniModule with a measurement data rate of max. 1 MHz and a measurement range up to 1000 V

o   HV AD4 OW1000: New development of an ECAT-based HV AD MiniModule with a measurement data rate of max. 1 MHz and a measurement range up to 90 V

o   HV AD4 XW20: New development of a CAN-based HV AD test bench module with a measurement data rate of max. 20 kHz and a measurement range up to 1000 V

·         New setup features

o   Uninstallation of previous program versions

o   Registration of file extensions DBC and A2L


·         Improved compatibility to some specific firewalls

Bug Fixes

·         xx-Scan modules no longer need to be restarted after configuration in order to send measurement values.

·         OUTMM test mode: Default output values now refer to the electric output variable.

·         The inclusion of stuff bits allows more precise bus load calculations.

·         When calculating the bus load, every module is individually checked in addition to the verification of the entire configuration in order to avoid overload configurations.

·         CNTMM: When activating the virtual channels, all parameters are now properly adopted from the real channels.

·         A document is no longer opened twice when clicking on the corresponding file shortcut.

·         The Open file dialog only lists files of the type defined in the Program Settings dialog (DBC/A2L).

·         The auto-configuration of an XCP-Gateway CAN interface in the Databases tab of the XCP-Gateway Configuration dialog is functional again.

·         The default rate of CAN-based STGMM modules is now 100 Hz instead of 1 kHz. This prevents overload configurations when a device is reset to factory settings.

·         Improved validation of IP configuration when saving A2L files


Version 8.6.2

New Features

·         Integration of new modules

o   ECAT ADMM 4 HS10/100/1000 (HW-Rev. Bxxx)

o   HV AD4 XW20 (CAN-based HV measurement module for operating voltages up to 1000 V)

o   ADMM 4 (HW-Rev. Bxxx) a new version of our smallest AD measurement module with CXS housing

·         THMM 8/16 classic measurement modules now support customer-specific measurement data rates.

·         Synchronization of multiple XCP-Gateways via IEEE1588 V.2 (PTP)

o   Firmware version 3.06 or later is required in order to enable the PTP functionality in an XCP-Gateway

o   Extended menu functions for the configuration of PTP parameters

o   Adaptation of A2L files as from XCP version 1.3

·         Simultaneous change of multiple parameters in device and channel lists possible


·         Resizable dialog windows

·         Error messages displayed when saving an A2L file are now available in German.

Bug Fixes

·         Simplified copy-and-paste / marking operations in device and channel lists

·         If an automatic configuration is performed, CSMconfig checks the compatibility of the interface with the document (CAN/EtherCAT®).

·         If a measurement scheme import is performed and UserMin > UserMax, these values will be exchanged against each other.

·         An error that occurred when saving a DBC file has been fixed.


Version 8.6.1


·         Improved compatibility of generated A2L-files to DAQ-software.

·         Data rate read-out of ECAT STGMM 6 with CSMconfig 8.6.0 has been corrected.


Version 8.6.0

·         Extensions in configuration via measurement schemes:

o   Interpolation tables of ADMM ‘pro’ modules are now also supported.

o   Support of measurement scheme import and export for the Combo Module.

·         Support of a maximum measurement rate of 20 kHz for the upcoming module ECAT STGMM 6 as of hardware revision B013 and firmware V2.02. Operation is possible in combination with the following XCP-Gateways:

o   XCP-Gateway with hardware revision B and firmware as of V2.30

o   XCP-Gateway with hardware revision C and firmware as of V3.06

·         Prepared for new measurement mode: signals can be configured to be transferred on separated CAN-IDs per channel for the following modules:

o   THMM 8 pro with hardware revision G,

o   THMM 16 pro with hardware revision D,

o   ADMM 4 pro or ADMM 8 pro resp. with hardware revision F,

o   ADMM 8 pro2 with hardware revision E.

To use this feature, the modules require a firmware update that will be available soon.

·         Updated firmware versions for several modules available:

o   STGMM 6, HW-Revision A:                                      V1.32

o   HV TH-TBM 8, HW-Revision A:                               V1.07

o   OUTMM, HW-Revision A:                                         V1.34

o   ECAT STGMM 6, HW-Revision A and B resp.:       V1.32 and V2.02 resp.

o   XCP-Gateway, HW-Revision B and C resp.:           V2.30 and V3.06 resp.


·         Changing the baud rate is no longer allowed in setups containing deactivated modules in order to prevent a potential overload of the CAN bus.

·         For ADMM 8 and ADMM 8 pro modules (also ComboModul) with hardware revision D and F, a new firmware version V4.54 and V6.09 resp. is available. We strongly recommend to update these modules.


·         Accelerate: the time needed to configure and adjust ECAT measurement modules in large-scale setups is significantly reduced.

·         Clear view: the size of several dialogues e.g. for firmware update or measurement scheme import can be adjusted.

·         The device list now also shows the hardware revision of the modules.

·         Configuration of OUTMM modules that are controlled by modules connected to the same CAN port is possible now also via XCP-Gateway.

·         Improved consistency: a new dialog prevents ambiguities in device configuration when closing CSMconfig or a view.

·         Handling when working with interpolation tables is improved


Version 8.5.2

·         Updated firmware versions for several modules available


·         The default filter settings and the unit for send rate to be used for measurement scheme import can be selected in the import dialog.


·         Errors which occurred when using the function “Duty Cycle” in the CNTMM channel configuration dialog have been fixed.


Version 8.5.1

·         Updated firmware versions for several modules available


·         The DBC file describing the control signals for an OUTMM was accidentally written in Unicode format.


Version 8.5.0

·         Adjustable PT coefficients for the upcoming modules PTMM 4 evo and 8 evo as well as for HV PTMM 2 and HV PT-TBM 8.

·         Support of upcoming modules OUTMM with hardware revision B and THMC 8 with hardware revision B.

·         Support of the ComboModule

·         Support of filter type Median 11 on THMM8 pro

o   Modules with HW revision F and firmware as of V6.04

o   Modules with HW revision G and firmware as of V7.16


·         The column layout in channel and device list view can now be easily modified

·         Simplified columns selection in the channel and device list view, the layouts can be exported and imported.

·         Rearrangement of channel configuration dialogs

o   As already implemented in the STGMM channel dialog, tabs for various parameter groups are now also available for other CSM modules

o   The current measurement value is displayed in the channel dialog

·         Revised dialog for device type selection (structured according to device classes)

·         New dbc format: channel comments can now be read by MC software (e.g. INCA). As of version 8.5.0, CSMconfig still reads the former dbc format but uses per default the new format for writing the configuration.

·         General performance improvements, especially for large-scale setups and in combination with TEDS sensor cables or adaptors.


·         Improvements in OUTMM test mode to avoid the sporadic output of default values.


Version 8.4.1


·         ECM modules NOxCANg and NOxCANt will now be detected when a bus scan is performed.

·         Operating problems of the function ‘Reconfigure all’ and reading of module name in combination with ECM modules have been fixed.

·         Incorrect dependencies of channel parameters in ‘Autoscale Wizard’ fixed.

·         Resetting the modules to factory values now also includes channels that have not been used.

·         Stability improvements during firmware update for ECAT measurement modules.

·         Incomplete storing of channel configuration in TEDS of a connected quarter bridge completion cable fixed.

·         Status messages indicating a timeout condition modified for CNTMM 4 modules.


Version 8.4.0

·         As from version 8.4.0, CSM’s configuration software, formerly known as xx-Scan Config, is named CSMconfig. The version numbering continues and the tool’s graphical user interface remains the same. Also, CSMconfig continues to feature all the functions and benefits the user is familiar with.


·         The online help is available in German.

·         A new operating mode in XCP-Gateway allows to operate up to 100 ECAT measurement modules at one XCP-Gateway (as from firmware V2.26). Up until now, only 25 ECAT measurement modules could be connected to one gateway.

·         Performance optimization by buffering: A module’s configuration information is read out once and written in the RAM of the computer. This speeds up the access time during the configuration process.

·         Simplified configuration of STGMM measurement modules: The configuration of a measurement channel can be directly written to the device from the channel configuration dialog. The effect on the measured value is displayed in the channel configuration dialog.

·         Improved consistency for STGMM channels: When using quarter bridge completion cables, the entire configuration of the measurement channel can be stored in the completion cable’s TEDS. For ECAT modules, firmware V1.28 is recommended

·         Simplified user navigation for the configuration of XCP-Gateway and ECAT MiniModules

·         Improved measurement scheme export for STGMM measurement modules (CAN and ECAT)


·         As from version 8.4.0, measurement modules can no longer be connected via serial interface.

Bug Fixes:

·         CSMconfig now correctly compares filter settings for all module types with the filter settings stored in a measurement module.

·         When measurement modules are reset to factory settings, previously deactivated channels will reactivated.

·         The device properties of ECAT measurement modules are read out correctly by the XCP-Gateway.

·         Send rate settings that could lead to a bus overload are prevented.


Version 8.3.1

·         V8.3.1 is a special version of CSMconfig for a customized version of ECAT ADMM HS 800. Details on configuration and operation are available as Technical Note.


Version 8.3.0

·         German GUI version for CSMconfig (online help still only in English)

·         Extended and updated documentation

·         Refresh rate for the visualization of measurement values has been enhanced

·         Improved user-friendliness: The progress of longer lasting processes (e.g. auto configuration of comprehensive measurement chains) is indicated in a small status window.

·         Simplified configuration of measurement channels: Measurement channels can be individually reset to factory settings via the <Defaults> button in the channel configuration dialog.

·         Simplified handling of configuration files: When saving a file, the previously selected directory path will be used (this also applies for CSV files used for the import of measurement schemes).

·         Enhanced visualization of measurement data during CAN measurements:
The current values of slowly sending measurement modules are fully displayed.

·         Import of foreign DBC files

o   Enhanced import process.

o   The import of a foreign DBC file into a regular CSM DBC file can be completely reversed via the command “Remove foreign devices”. The contents of both files will be completely separated from each other.

·         When configuring ADMM pro modules, it is now possible to delete individual scaling tables via the “Delete” command in the context menu.

·         Support of the soon available high-voltage measurement modules HV ADMM 4LI, HV ADMM 2+, HV AD-TBM 4+ /65, HV AD-TBM 8LI /65, HV PTMM 2 and HV PT-TBM 8 /65

·         Improved configuration of XCP-Gateway +CAN:

o   When opening an A2L file, the user will be prompted to open the contents of the CAN DBC file included in the A2L file in a separate window.

o   If a CAN DBC file included in an A2L file is modified, the user will be prompted to save the changes before closing the A2L file.

o   Clearly arranged display of XCP-Gateway license features.

·         Simplified measurement procedures for CAN STGMM 6 pro HS and ECAT STGMM 6:

o   The polarity of quarter and half bridge strain gauges can be reversed via software (as from firmware v1.25).

o   If a filter is used for measurement, its settling time will be taken into account when bridge balancing is performed.

o   Bridge balancing can be triggered by a CAN message (only CAN STGMM 6 pro HS and firmware v1.25 or higher)


Version 8.2.1

·         The “Auto-Configuration” shortcut has been changed from CTRL + A to ALT + A to solve a conflict with the Windows shortcut CTRL + A (Mark all).

·         When saving an A2L file, CSMconfig checks the network settings (IP configuration) of the XCP-Gateway.

·         Simplified configuration of CAN-based measurement modules, connected to the XCP-Gateway.

·         Supports the module ECAT ADMM 4 HS100 with galvanically isolated sensor excitation.

·         The latest firmware update (version V4.35) for AD-Scan and Thermo-Scan modules is integrated.

·         The latest firmware update (version V1.23) for the module ECAT STGMM 6 Rev.A000 is integrated.

·         The latest firmware update (version V1.06) for the module ECAT ADMM 4 HS Rev.A000 is integrated.

·         The firmware (version V4.01) for the module THMM 16 Rev.D000 is integrated.

·         The firmware (version V7.12) for the module THMM 8 Rev.G000 is integrated.   


Version 8.2.0

·         Like the ECAT version STGMM 6, the CAN module STGMM 6 pro HS now also supports the storing and read-out of bridge balancing results to/from the cable if a strain gauge connection cable with built-in quarter bridge completion is used (K356).

·         For the sake of clarity, the scaling formula in the channel dialog now includes the unit of measurement.

·         MiniModules supporting the baud rate 2 Mbit/s are now detected by the feature “bitrate detection”.

·         For users with limited access, CSMconfig can be installed in a read-only mode. This limited access does not allow the configuration of CSM measurement modules and read-in DBC files cannot be modified.

·         Support of the XCP-Gateway CAN interfaces in CSMconfig (requires XCP firmware v. 2.20 and licensing of CAN interface). This allows CAN bus bitrates up to 1 Mbit/s and sampling rates between 10 Hz and 1 kHz.


·         ECAT measurement modules STGMM and ADMM: The filter setting “Std/300” Hz has been erroneously read out


Version 8.1.0

·         Integration of CSMview for verifying measurement configurations.

·         If a cable for quarter bridge completion (K356) is used in combination with an ECAT STGMM 6 measurement module, the bridge balancing result can now be written to the cable and read in from the cable.

·         Support of the new high-speed measurement module ECAT ADMM 4 HS800.
For this purpose, the firmware for the XCP-Gateway needs to be updated at least to version 2.20. Also, the validity of the license needs to be checked and – if required – updated.

·         XCP-Gateway now also supports CAN-based MiniModules.
For this purpose, the firmware for the XCP-Gateway needs to be updated at least to version 2.20. Also, the validity of the license needs to be checked and – if required – updated.

Application notes:

o   The CAN functionality of the XCP-Gateway +CAN is limited at present. Please, see the online help for more information.


CSM reserves the right for changes without prior notification.
© CSM GmbH, Filderstadt, Germany