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CSMuniconf Release Version V3.3.0

The new version of CSMuniconf is available.

You can download the configuration software for the data loggers UniCAN 3 ETH, UniCAN 3, UniCAN 2 Professional and UniCAN 2 in the Download area.

New Features

  • Live Monitoring of currently recorded measurement values and device states from a UniCAN 3 data logger connected (via USB). This simplifies the commissioning considerably by a simple verification of configuration and data recording. Among others, the following information are displayed:
    • Status of the logger (measurement status, error status, firmware, supply voltage, temperature, position data, current log entries)
    • Status of the measurement (device clock time, measurement duration, amount of data)
    • Status of triggers and conditions
    • System signals (CPU load, bus load, bus errors, etc.)
    • Status of channel groups and message groups
    • Current measured values of the configured channels
Live Monitoring

Apart from these major changes, further improvements were implemented. Please refer to the release notes of the software package for details.

If you have further wishes, suggestions or requests please do not hesitate to contact your account manager or our Support-Team