CSM Computer-Systeme-Messtechnik GmbH (hereinafter referred to as "CSM") generally maintains a trusting relationship with its business partners and is guided by aspects such as ethics, sustainability and legally compliant behavior.
CSM expects such behavior from its business partners, especially from suppliers.
Suppliers fulfill their social responsibility towards their employees and society in the following sense:
All suppliers are committed to not practicing any form of forced or child labor. The definition of child labor is based on the standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO).
Suppliers are committed not to discriminate and/or treat unequally on the basis of age, gender, ethnic or social origin, disability or political opinion.
Suppliers are committed to applying applicable laws and regulations for the protection of workers, compliance with working hours, and appropriate remuneration.
Suppliers are obliged to comply with all applicable occupational health and safety regulations and to create an appropriate working environment in order to maintain the safety and health of employees, protect third parties and prevent accidents, injuries and work-related illnesses.
Suppliers are committed to comply with the applicable laws and regulations on conflict minerals and to regularly adapt to current changes.
This includes, in particular, careful handling and proper disposal of problematic materials.
As far as possible, the use of environmentally harmful materials should be avoided.
Suppliers shall behave fairly in competition and comply with the applicable competition law and ensure that neither their services nor their goods infringe the property rights of CSM and/or third parties. In particular, price agreements with competitors and the abuse of a dominant position through price discrimination are not permitted.
Suppliers shall ensure that no improper advantages of any kind are granted, either directly or indirectly, to politicians, authorities or members of authorities, NGOs, business partners and their employees (including CSM employees) or members of authorities. In addition, Suppliers agree that their employees will also not solicit or accept any improper advantage. For example, an advantage is impermissible if it is suitable by its nature and scope to influence actions and decisions of the recipient.
Suppliers shall comply with applicable laws and regulations to prevent money laundering and avoid the use of cash in business transactions to the extent possible.
Suppliers declare that business information, in particular technical, financial or competitive information, will always be treated confidentially and in accordance with any non-disclosure and confidentiality agreements.
Suppliers are committed to comply with all applicable export and customs laws. In particular, suppliers undertake to ensure that these are also complied with equally by all their sub-suppliers and contractors.
The suppliers assure to comply with the applicable environmental laws, environmental regulations and environmental standards. Insofar as environmental laws, environmental regulations and environmental standards contain reporting or other obligations to cooperate on the part of the suppliers, the suppliers shall comply with these reporting or other obligations to cooperate on their own initiative, completely and in a timely manner.
Suppliers shall ensure that appropriate hazardous substance management is established along their supply chain and work continuously to avoid hazardous substances in products and to reduce negative environmental impacts and resources.
In the event of suspected violations of the agreements made herein, as well as in order to secure the supply chain, the supplier agrees that audits to verify compliance with the Supplier Code of Conduct will be carried out after reasonable notice and will support such audits to the best of its ability. This also includes relevant information on affiliated companies as well as sub-suppliers.
A proven violation of provisions of this Supplier Code of Conduct by a supplier shall be considered a breach of material contractual obligations and shall give CSM the right, but not the obligation, to take appropriate measures (e.g. termination of the business relationship, termination of the contract, etc.).
All suppliers undertake to ensure that their employees comply with the provisions of this Supplier Code of Conduct and that they receive regular training accordingly.