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Reliably Solving Complex Measurement Tasks

vMeasure, developed by Vector Informatik, is an easy-to-use software tool for the acquisition and analysis of measurement data that can be used in combination with all CAN- and EtherCAT®-based CSM measurement modules. CSMconfig was integrated directly to ensure swift configuration.

With only a few clicks, this software guides the user from the configuration of the measurement modules to the visualization of measurement data. vMeasure allows measurement data rates up to 1,000 kHz per channel via XCP-on-Ethernet. Moreover, with multi-channel applications it is possible to read up more than 1,000 measurement signals from different sources synchronously.

To facilitate further processing, the measurement data is stored in a standardized MDF format. In order to illustrate causal links on road trials, the data can also be synchronously linked to video, GPS and map data (e.g. of OpenStreetMaps).

Screenshot vMeasure

Key features

  • Time-synchronous acquisition of measurement data from multiple sources (physical values and ECU-internal data)
  • Performing measurements with numerous measurement channels and data rates up to 1,000 kHz
  • Support of hardware-based time synchronization
  • Linking of measurement data to video, GPS and map data
  • Swift configuration of the measurement application
  • Possibilities for diagnostics via OBD II support
  • Printing and reporting function with extended comment options
  • Open and flexible platform through the use of established standards
  • Channel calculation during measurement

eMobilityAnalyzer function library

The eMobilityAnalyzer function library is an integral part of vMeasure and allows powerful analyses in real-time.

The eMobilityAnalyzer is the heart of the Vector CSM E-Mobility Measurement System with online calculations of important parameters of components in electric vehicles.

Calculated online are among others:

  • Charger Efficiency: Determination of the efficiency of on-board charger (for three-phase alternating current)
  • DC Analysis: Determination of RMS power, energy and ripple on current and voltage in the DC range
  • DC Efficiency: Real-time efficiency calculation
  • e-Motor Power Analysis: Determination of active, apparent and reactive power as well as the power factor of an electric motor in star or delta circuit
  • e-Motor Y-Delta: Conducts the Y-delta and delta-Y transformation
  • Ripple: Parameters about fluctuations of any input signal as well as their DC and effective values
  • Shaft/Axle Power: Mechanical energy or power

Supported measurement equipment

  • CAN- and EtherCAT®-based CSM measurement modules including exhaust measurement modules
  • CSM high-voltage measurement systems
  • Possible integration of measurement technology from other manufacturers
  • USB-based GPS devices
  • Video cameras with DirectShow interface
  • Analog and digital Vector interface inputs/outputs
  • CSM and Vector interfaces


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Information about vMeasure by Vector Informatik.

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Information about the eMobilityAnalyzer by Vector Informatik.

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